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The IncredibleHarsh
Native Android & Frontend Web Developer
Harsh, a determined tech enthusiast, is currently pursuing his studies in Metallurgy and Materials Engineering at Malviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur.

~ Driven by an insatiable curiosity, he has discovered a profound interest in diverse fields and aspires to explore them all throughout his life's journey.

~ While not particularly fond of traditional academics, Harsh's unwavering work ethic propels him forward, and he firmly believes in the power of practical learning and the ability to create something remarkable from the ground up.

~ With a multitude of projects spanning various domains, he consistently pushes the boundaries of conventional thinking and fearlessly challenges the status quo.
  • Hindi (Mother Tongue)
  • English
  • Bengali (little bit)
Programming Languages
  • Kotlin & XML
  • Python
  • Javascript (little bit)
  • HTML & Advanced Tailwind CSS
Tech Development Skills
  • Native Android Development

    ( with Kotlin, XML and latest technologies like Room, Firebase etc. )

  • Frontend Web Development

    ( only with HTML, Tailwind CSS and Slight Javascript for now )

  • Data Visualisations

    ( Intermediate level - with Matplotlib, Pandas, Numpy and some other technologies )

  • Web Scraping

    ( Beginner level - with Scrapy, Beautiful Soup and latest Chrome Extensions )

Other Skills
  • 3D Modelling and Animations

    ( Intermediate Level ~ using Blender and DaVinci Resolve )

  • Video Editing

    ( Intermediate Level ~ using DaVinci Resolve )

  • Graphics Design

    ( Beginner level - with GIMP )

Tools and Technologies
  • Android Studio
  • GitHub
  • VS Code, Xcode, Jupyter and Google Colab Notebooks
  • Google Search Console
  • Google Play Console
  • DaVinci Resolve
  • Blender & GIMP
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